SANE Australia

SANE Australia is a national charity helping Australians affected by complex mental health issues lead a better life. Its focus is on de-stigmatisation of complex mental illness, research, advocacy, collaboration with mental health agencies and services, the provision of a professionally staffed help-centre and moderated on- line forums.

Between 2015-2018 the Foundation provided SANE Australia with funds to develop and launch a new series of nine Factsheets, guides, and plain-English research bulletins. SANE’s existing relationships with highly respected scientific partners enabled it to source and distil interesting and powerful research, and communicate it through this new series of Research Bulletins in a practical, useful, and relatable way.

Past Bulletins have proven to be a valuable resource for those experiencing mental health issues, with some being downloaded as often as 25,000 times per month. The Bulletins were delivered and promoted through an integrated digital marketing approach incorporating web-based reports, podcasts, vodcasts, and social media campaigns, as well as using traditional media and distribution channels to decision-makers across governments and the mental health sector. The initial Plain English Research Bulletins funded through Foundation support centred on Borderline Personality Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The BPD resource recorded 104,000 unique page views in the first six months of publication.


Sacred Heart Mission


Down Syndrome Victoria