Australian Colonial Silver

The Australian Colonial Silver Project began with the acquisition of the “University of Melbourne Wilson Hall Presentation Trowel Set” which had been specifically made for the purpose of laying the Foundation Stone at the University of Melbourne. The Vizard Foundation consulted with the University and agreed that it was critical that this important piece of colonial history should be retained in Australia. After acquisition the Foundation immediately placed it on permanent loan with the University of Melbourne art collection.

Subsequently, the Foundation acquired several other significant objects of colonial silver and in 2004 reached agreement with the Gold Treasury Museum Victoria (later the City Museum) to house the entire Collection on permanent display. In mid-2010 the City Museum closed, and the Foundation decided that the collection was too small to justify a significant on-going exhibition at a major museum.

The bulk of the collection was sold in 2012, however 17 significant pieces remain, and these are on permanent loan to Werribee Mansion under the custodianship of Parks Victoria. The Mansion develops regular displays centred around various aspects of colonial life, and utilises these items on a rotating basis, together with other silver pieces and specially created didactics and audio-visual displays to illustrate the social, cultural, and artistic heritage of the times.


Castlemaine Art Museum


National Gallery of Victoria